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We transform your vision into digital products.

We help you unlock the full potential of your digital presence with our expert team of UX designers, front-end, full-stack developers and content specialists.

About maxinit.com

We love complex projects, large amounts of data, scalability, but also simple interfaces and beautiful design.


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Our Services


We create a clear concept based on your ideas.In a joint brainstorming, supported by our experience, we quickly arrive at an optimal result.

Design (UI/UX)

We help you discover how your product will best meet customer needs and deliver a design that maximizes your business value.

Backend development

A well-designed back-end architecture can support the growth of your business. We provide scalable solutions using both traditional technologies such as PHP and modern languages like Node.js and C# to meet the specific needs of your app.

Web development

Web development and app development can no longer be separated from each other. Technologically and conceptually, the two are merging. We develop "everything" - from small landing pages to extensive web and mobile applications.

Android / iOS development

We design, develop and launch apps for smartphones, tablets and desktop PCs. Regardless of platform or device.

Hire App Developer

Are you facing capacity issues and in need of skilled programmers? Our team of mobile and web developers have excess capacity and are available for hire. We offer flexible options to hire experienced Android, iOS, and web developers for a specific period of time, helping you overcome any shortages.

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Telekom Morebeauty Alliance pepsico

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